After the garlic is ready to harvest, does the garlic go to 'seed'? And what do I do from here to keep the seed for the next crop?
Not really. While hot weather can force garlic to bolt, or try to go to seed, it does not produce seed. Garlic reproduces by forming cloves. This article will help you:
What are the little white sacks on top of the garlic leaves that look like they should be the bulb? Should this be removed from the plant instead of pulling the plant out of the ground to get the bulb?
Hardneck garlic has a little curly thing that grows out of the top, from which there is a white sac-like thing containing bulbils. Each one is about the side a pea. You want to cut off most of these bulbils, leaving only a few. Leaving too many will sap some of the energy needed for prodicing the actual garlic bulb growing in the ground.
We are growing garlic not long planted. We have just been to check on it and have found mould under our mulch, on the top of our garden bed. Do you have any answers for us?
It is mushrooms, essentially. This article will help:
I a have about 5000 garlic bulbs planted into new soil, which had a not very successful green manure grown on it and then dug in. When beds were made, they had blue rock dust, our compost, and 1 liter blood and bone per 20 mt added. The outer leaves are yellow and flaccid; the newer leaves are a pale yellow/green color, and when you look closely they have mottled yellow on a pale green background. I have some garlic growing elsewhere, which has dark green leaves and are all standing up straight. If the problem is a lack of nitrogen, how do I add it to a growing crop in a certified organic way? I am in the process of biodynamic certification.
It may be suffering from an iron deficiency. This commonly causes this kind of coloration. This normally happens either when the plant is watered too much and the nutrients get leeched away or if the pH is too high. Test the soil and correct any nutrient and pH issues found when testing. Also, make sure that the soil is not too porous and is letting the water run away too quickly.
After I dig the garlic up, how and where do I store it?
After harvesting, do not wash it off. Washing after harvesting encourages rot. Allow them to dry out by laying them out on a flat, newspaper covered surface somewhere that is cool and dry. You may even wish to use a fan over them to circulate the air. They should be dry in about a week and ready for storage.
How do you grow and harvest garlic?
Here is an article or two that you may find helpful:
Plant your separated garlic cloves in a prepared bed, (as with onions) in september, leaving the tip of the clove slightly exposed. Plant about ten inches apart, these should be ready in August the following year, wait until the leaves start to yellow and dig up, and again as with onions, clean off the soil, and allow to dry in a cool airy place. Alternatively, get two car tyres and place them on their side, one on top of the other,and fill with compost, and set six cloves in this, if you are limmited for space, and leave to grow outside. dont be concerned over frost and snow, garlic thrives on it. The latter method of growing can be applied to any plant when the growing area is limmited,
To harvest garlic you have to wait till the stalks turn a yellowish color and then dig them up and cut the stem off about four inches above the bulb. Allow several weeks for them to dry out in a cool dry place. ( basement )
Garlic takes more than one season to grow. Plant it this year and next year you'll have garlic.
Do I cut the spiral garlic leaf? When and how far down?
Not generally. This article will explain how to harvest your garlic: