More recently, the sap has become abundant and the aphids are everywhere. In years past, we had many ladybugs here but not seeing them as often now. Tree is about 35-40 feet and hangs over my beautiful deck. I am having to rinse the deck daily, as it is so covered with sap that your feet stick to the decking. Is there a way to treat the tree during spring? We had some sap in the years past but nothing like it is this year. We have had excessive rain this year. I live in NW Georgia.
The 'sap' is actually called Honeydew, it is the secretion from the insects.
Normally Neem Oil can be used to treat the insects but a tree the size that you have would be difficult without a professional.
Can neem oil be used as a systemic on recently pruned ficus trees? I have 3 larges ficus nitida hedges (trimmed to 15'), and 1 very large (35') tree. The ground surrounding is sticky from some kind of infestation. The tree trimmer said it was a bug and the tree should be sprayed. He didn't speak a lot of English, and my Spanish is atrocious, so I couldn't get more details. I don't have the ability to spray such a tall tree, and do not relish the thought of the spray going everywhere. Also, I don't want to harm local birds with poisons. I heard Neem oil was relatively safe when applied correctly, and wondered if it could be given to the tree systemically. I am deep watering them with 5 gallon buckets with small holes at the bottom over a depression in the sandy soil, a foot away from the trunk of the tree.
Yes, Neem Oil will work systemically.
Neem Oil is organic, safe for people, pets and bees!
Here is a link with more information.
My lime tree is covered in stink bugs. Are they the reason it is not flowering and fruiting this year? The lime tree is about 12 feet tall and has always given us lots of fruit but not this year. It seems that the stink bugs are eating the flowers when they appear on the tree.
If bugs are eating the flowers that is the reason for no fruit. Spray with insecticide as soon as they appear.
Does Blood Meal keep the squirrels from digging up Tulip bulbs? Trying to keep squirrels from digging up tulips.
Yes, it can deter Squirrels, but can invite other problems to the garden.
Here is a link with more information.
Help! Lilly pilly leaves being chewed by Paropsides calypso (Identified from the internet). How do I control?
I have been able to find no information on how to control the Paropsides calypso beetle, which is invading the Lilli Pilli hedges that are in your region.
The beetle was identified by Dr. Chris Reid, an Entomologist and Leaf Beetle expert at Austrailian Museum in Sydney.
The eggs are laid on the leaves or leaf buds and the green larvae remain solitary.
Pupation is in the soil at the base of the plant.
The adults and the larvae feed on the leaves and will completely strip the plants.
Removal of the plant is the only actions know at this time.
Grasshoppers have eaten everything on my property - trees, grass, even my junipers. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I myself had a large amount of Grasshoppers in my garden this year.
I did cover some of their favorite plants to help deter them.
Here is a great article with some help.
How often can I put coffee grinds on my veggies? I am using it, specifically to repel the cats.
Here is a link that will help you.