We have a scrub that needs to be trim back and are not sure when the best time to do it in Eastern Tennessee. It is beautiful just has not been trimmed and taken care of. We just bought the house and it has some unusual scrubs and trees but they were not trimmed in it looks like the last couple of years. Also a Holly that is about 10 feet tall.
Suckers should be removed as they appear.
Prune in winter or early spring during dormancy, just before new growth commences.
Thin a corkscrew hazel by removing up to one-third of the oldest and least attractive stems. Cut stems back to their parent branches. To encourage branches to grow outward rather than toward the center of the plant.
Train a corkscrew hazel shrub to grow as a small tree by removing the lower lateral stems during dormancy to create a trunk; this is best done the second year after planting. Continue removing any lower lateral shoots in subsequent years as necessary. Remove branches that do not contribute to the overall look of your small tree when performing normal thinning.
I have a cortorted Filbert(Corylus avellana) that we purchased this summer and the leaves are turning yellow and falling off. I have not been able to find any info as to this tree losing it's leaves in the fall. Can you tell me if this tree loses it's leaves? Thank you Brian Feldman brian.k.feldman@gmail.com
Corylus is a deciduous shrub. New leaves emerge every spring.
New planted Contorted Filberts’ leaves are turning under on the edges is this normal?
This can be normal as it is acclimating. Can you include a photo? I would apply dolomitic lime and wettable sulfur just in case. This will treat, and prevent further infection when used each spring. This article will give you more information on their care: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/contorted-hazelnut/contorted-filbert-tree.htm
A newly planted tree can show signs of stress; curled leaves, yellowing leaves and leaf drop.
Provide daily watering for the first 2 weeks.
Will 90 degree heat damage the leaves on a contorted filbert tree and turn them yellow? What can be done about this? I don't have a photo.
Heat won't directly cause the leaves to yellow, but during heat like that, the tree could be experiencing water stress, which could cause the leaves to yellow.
I would recommend increasing the water to the plant. This article will also help:
I planted my contorted filbert about 10 years ago in the front of my house. It is the anchor of my landscaped front yard. I have tried spraying it and cutting back some of the limbs last year. When I found out this year that it had blight I was told that I was fighting a losing battle. Should I remove the entire tree? If I have to remove it, can I replant contorted filbert there again? Losing this tree has made me sick to my stomach. I love it so much.
I would recommend removing the tree.
This article covers this disease.
We purchased this tree many years ago and it has been re-potted many times. It is beginning to thin out. in the past the greenery was much thicker. We would like to identify the type of tree and ask if there is a way to simply take a cutting to start a new tree.
It could be a contorted filbert tree. Here is more about the tree and how to take cuttings.