I was looking to find out the lighting conditions for English ivy. One page on your site says it enjoys bright light, another page says it likes shade. So I am wondering which it is.
English Ivy grows best in shade, but can tolerate partial sun.
I have English Ivy growing in my backyard. I have a section of sloped yard in the front of my house I would like to have this ivy cover. Can I just cut some of the ivy from my backyard and directly plant into the front? Do I have to do anything special, or can it just be cut at the root and replanted directly into the dirt? Is it too late in the year to do that? I do NOT have a green thumb of any sort! Help!
You would need to propagate the ivy from cuttings and develop the roots prior to planting in the new location.
Here are some links to help you.
I have 3 crocks of English ivy. I have them in our screened in porch (we live in Gainesville, Va). Can I just stop watering for the winter? Will they go dormant? Will they start to grow again in the spring?
I would cut back on the water, just enough to keep the soil from drying out completely.
They will go into a dormancy period.
If the temperatures should drop to the freezing level, make sure the pots are insulated in some manner so that the roots don't freeze.
How to propagating for ivy. I have tried water in a window and soil in the greenhouse.
Here are some articles that will help you.
Try using Rooting Hormone to help reduce bacteria and give the cuttings a boost.
It seemed to be thriving the last 3 or 4 weeks since I brought it home. But today, suddenly, all the leaves are droopy. I've been misting it only until yesterday when the ground seemed so dry. I watered it. Have I overwatered it? What do I do?
Did you put your ivy in a place where it receives bright light? How have you been watering it? If I interpreted you correctly, it sounds like you watered it once since you got the plant four weeks ago? Misting does not hydrate an ivy the same as watering. So I think this is a case of under-watering instead of over-watering. You should water your ivy whenever the soil is dry to the touch. I would also recommend fertilizing your ivy once a month.
For more information on the care of indoor ivy, please visit the following link:
My family and I recently bought a house. The previous owners planted English Ivy in the backyard but failed to maintain it. My issue is that behind our backyard fence is a city owned unmaintained lot of trees which the Ivy has taken over. We are currently digging it out of our yard but would like to know the best way to prevent it from migrating back from the city lot. How deep do the root systems go? Thank you.
English Ivy is an aggressive ground cover that roots itself by runners and air roots.
Here are some links with more information.
I have cut some English ivy and placed the cuttings in glass jars filled with water. Is this a good way to get them to root to plant in soil and how long will it take for them to put on roots suitable for planting? Also, I added a pinch of Miracle Grow to the water in each jar. Thx
Here is an article on how to propagate Ivy cuttings.