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Top Questions About Date Palm Trees

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Questions About Date Palm Trees

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  • Answered by
    BushDoctor on
    October 9, 2019
    Certified Expert

    It is not recommended to mix chemicals. Some reactions are going to take place, reducing the efficacy of one or both products. Use them separately, according to all product labels.

    This article will help you to care for these palms: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/pygmy-palm/grow-pygmy-palm-trees.htm

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  • Answered by
    GKH_Susan on
    February 10, 2020
    Certified Expert

    If it fell because of wet muddy soil and maybe a wind event, then it may still have enough roots in the soil to sustain growth. You can leave it as is and not try to right it; in time the new growth will turn up and resume the vertical growth habit, even though the lower trunk remains horizontal.

    If the trunk fractured or completely uprooted and that happened recently, the palm may still be growing from stored water and nutrients and not from root uptake, and it won't last through the summer.

    If you want to try to set it back up straight, it requires some judgement and special handling. If the soil is still muddy wet, or if you soak it, you may be able to straighten it up a bit until you encounter heavy resistance. Don't force it or you may break the roots that are still intact. Prop it up with triangular rigid support bracing from below. And/or install guy wires/cables to stakes in the ground or to other trees or a wall if available.

    Another option and probably the most practical, is to dig it out with a good soil-root-ball and replant it in a straightened position. Consider hiring professional help with palm transplanting experience.


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  • Answered by
    GKH_Susan on
    April 2, 2020
    Certified Expert

    You are in zone 8a, which gets down to 10-15 degrees F (-12 to -9 C.). The Pygmy Date Palm has been known to survive in USDA zone 9b (20 to 30 degrees F. or -6 to -1 C.) without significant frost protection. However, zone 10-11 is its preferred zone.

    Since your zone gets below freezing, you will need to cover your fern when temps drop below 30 degrees F., unless you can get it on wheels and bring it inside.



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  • Answered by
    BushDoctor on
    April 28, 2020
    Certified Expert

    It, certainly, could be an infection! The weather may be against you at this time. The only thing that you can do is use something to prevent an infection.

    I recommend DOLOMITIC LIME and WETTABLE SULFUR to combat and prevent infections. Just use them according to packaging instructions.

    In the meantime, this article will help you to care for the palm:


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  • Answered by
    Kayakchik on
    April 28, 2020

    Largest trunk is 36” and smallest is 11” TALL! I am sorry, I didn’t write that description clearly! I should have said shortest and tallest trunks!

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  • Answered by
    BushDoctor on
    May 11, 2020
    Certified Expert

    Do not compensate for heat by watering. This is only a cure for dry soil. You will need to move them to shade during the hottest parts of the day.(Your gardenia will need to be in mostly shade to part shade at all times) If you cannot move the plants, then you may need to put up a shade cloth during this time of day.

    Watering should only be done when the top 2 or 3 inches of the soil is bone dry. This maybe twice per day, or it may be every 3 or 4 days depending on conditions outside at the time, so it is best to measure or check by eye before watering.

    Here are some articles that will help:




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