Does this type of daisy come in perennials?
Yes. Bellium minutum, also known as miniature or mat daisy is a dense, low growing ground cover topped by miniature daisies. It grows in sun to partial shade and comes back each year.
I have spittlebug on my daisies and rudbekia. How do I get rid of it?
This article will help:
How can I get rid of daisies in my garden? They're taking over! I have 2 dogs so I can't use chemicals. It's driving me crazy. . . . . please help me.
If you can't use chemicals, you will need to dig them up or continually mow them down when they start to appear. Either method will get rid of them eventually without chemicals.
Personally, if I were you, I would post on a local message board that you have free daisies to anyone who will come dig them up. Normally, you will have more than enough people volunteering to remove them for you so they can plant them in their home.
I live in zone 8, and I would like to know if I can cut back my plants now in the hot weather? I don't know, that is why I'm asking you.
Daisies don't need to be pruned like some other plants, but you can coax a second blooming through deadheading. This article will explain more:
This is not to say that you cannot prune them, however, but if you do so, this should be done in spring prior to new growth or fall, cutting the plant back to the ground.
My daisies are smaller than other years and also turning brown at the middle. Looks like something is eating them. Thank you for your help!
If it is a large and old patch, it may be that they are in need of rejuvenation. The middle of the patch starts to die out if the plant is not regularly rejuvenated.
All you need to do is dig up the patch and divide the plant and replant part in the spot where you dug it up from. This forces the plant to rejuvenate and it will start to perform better. This article will help with dividing the plant:
We have about 20 different orange and yellow daisies throughout our flower beds in so Cal. (from a packet of various wildflower seeds). Only one plant is producing five smaller flowers from the base of the dead flowers. Is this common? I couldn't find any info.
hamfam, ♥ it! Hope she won't mind it I use it when I can't answer a question!
thank you.:-) just heard back from my grandma about this. she was a florist In the 20's she said it means you have pixies in your garden. it made The kids smile.:-)
While this is not common, it certainly isn't rare. There is a name for this occurrence, but I can't remember what it is! Sorry. Typically it happens on Echinacea.
Will my foil wrapped daisies ever bloom again? They are flourishing. They came 4 to a pot, very small. They are now about 1 1/2 to 2 feet tall and 1 1/2 feet wide. Also, I thought daisies were a bulb plant (shows what I know). These are not. Help??
Unfortunately, most blooming ''presentation'' plants are usually difficult and/or unlikely to be restored to their original beauty. They are intended to be enjoyed during the blooming period and discarded. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't plant them outside to see if they will bloom later, but usually, it isn't worth the effort. Most chrysanthemums, gerbera daises and similar beauties are breed, grown by chemical manipulation and ''packaged'' to fit certain criteria, and that doesn't include garden performance.