My daffodils have always bloomed but last year and this year they haven't all bloomed. The ones that did are very nice and large, but the other ones only have the green foliage (these are the same height as the ones that bloomed). They are all planted in the same area. What can I do?
There are many reasons why these bulbs do not come into bloom. One of the most common is not having enough energy to form a bud. Bulbs depend on their foliage for energy. Another common cause for non-blooming is the lack of sufficient light. Check the growing requirements to ensure the bulbs are located in an area with plenty of sunlight. Checking the soil drainage is another option to look into. Inadequate drainage can lead to bulb rot as can overwatering. If you planted too early during fall, the bulbs could have produced flower stalks prematurely. Finally, check to see if your bulbs are simply overcrowded. Oftentimes, when plants become overcrowded, they fail to flower properly. Should this be the case, division may be needed.
How much sunlight do daffodils need? I have ten daffodil plants that I want to plant in my garden. Is now a good time to do it?
Most varieties of daffodil require full sun; however, some types will tolerate partial shade. Here is an article that you may find helpful:
Can forced daffodil bulbs be planted outside for the following season?
You can plant them outside, but they will not bloom again this year. But they should bloom fine next summer.
Thank you - should i just let them dry out in the pot after flowering, and, do I plant them in the spring or wait until the fall.
Where do Daffodil bulbs come from? What part of the plant?
Here is an article that you may find helpful:
When and how do I transplant daffodils?
Wait until the foliage has faded (generally, in late spring). Then use a garden fork or spade and carefully dig the clump up and divide or transplant to its new location.
How many times should you water your daffodil a week?
In general, daffodils have light water requirements during the fall and winter, heavy requirements in the March-May growing season, and no need for water while they’re dormant over the summer. Daffodils need water every week during their growing season, approximately 1 inch of moisture weekly. Apply mulch around the plants to preserve moisture. Daffodil bulbs go dormant about six weeks after blooming; however, keep up watering until their leaf tips start to turn brown. In the fall, daffodils need 1/2" or more of water every week until the ground freezes.
I dug up my daffodil, tulip and hyacinth bulbs last fall since we planned to move this spring. We will not be moving for a month yet, but the bulbs have sprouted. They are stored in the garage for now. Can these bulbs be saved and planted this summer, and will they flower at all next spring? Is it worth saving and replanting them?
The daffodils will do fine. They are hardy and can take stress. Tulips and hyacinth are not as hardy. I would certainly go ahead and do it, but the tulips and hyacinth only have a 50/50 on making it.