Can I transplant giant daffodils from pots. They are blooming. When can I put them out in the garden? I planted them in pots in September. Now I want to plant them in the ground. But some are blooming.
You can plant them out as soon as the soil in your area can be worked and chance of snow has passed. Just make sure to water them well after planting them.
I forced paper white daffodils. The plants grew and flowered. They were great Now I want to plant them outside, but it is still too cold here in the mountains of western NC. What do I do now?
Keep it indoors and in light for now. The foliage may die back, but that is ok. Here is an article that will help you:
What happened, and what do I do?
Do you live in a warm region? In warmer areas, sometimes spring bulbs, like daffodils, do not get enough cold temperatures to be able to form a bud. They need 6-8 weeks of temps below 40F in order to form a bud and then flower in the spring. It may be that this year they did not get enough cold weather. Here is more information:
If you feel this is not the case, the other possibility is that the ground is lacking phosphorus. Without phosphorus, the bulbs cannot form a bud as well. Here is more information on that:
We have some daffodils that are in the wrong location and we need to move them. How and when is the best to time to do this?
Fall is the best time to do this. You can move them in the spring, but their blooms suffer for it. This article will explain how to plant them:
If you are moving them this spring, leave the leaves on.
I have forced my daffodils and presently have lovely blooms indoors. I believe I have to leave them alone until after the leaves have gone yellow. After that, can I immediately plant them outdoors at a depth three times their size? Do I have to fertilize them? Will I get outdoor blooms next spring?
This article should help you with that:
I bought a small potted daffodil flower that has yellow blossoms on it. Can I transplant it outside or do I have to wait for the blooms to die off, freeze them, and then replant in the fall? I have NO clue what to do with them!
This article will help you:
I have a medium sized oak tree in my front yard. I have a circle of hostas planted around it. I would like to plant a few daffodil bulbs between the hostas so I can have some color there next spring. I'm worried that they won't get enough sunlight. What do you think?
Actually, daffodils do really well in tree shaded areas. Typically, a tree shaded area gets significantly more sun in the spring than it does in summer and fall because the branches have not leafed out. There should be more than enough sun in spring for the daffodils to live.