Can you buy creosote bush in England, please, or do you sell them? Thank you.
We don't sell plants through the site. I see that creosote bush seeds are available online through some gardening and seed retailers and some general retaliers. Finding live plants may be challenging.
l soil. How Can I care for it in Kansas? I noticed in its three years it has not grown much. Will putting this Creosote in with new potting soil kill it? I Live in Kansas and bring it inside when we start to have freezes. Do I need to keep an indoor light on it to resemble the hot desert sun? It still springs its shrubs but never its flowers.
Unfortunately, topsoil from the ground will not be appropriate in container. It would be better to mix a cactus mix with potting soil. Also, your environment is likely too wet and humid for it to be happy. You may do best growing this indoors. You could light it, synthetically, then keep it in a "desert" type environment. Make sure that it stays, mostly, dry. It should pick up growth, then.
Here is an article that will help you to know what conditions this shrub:
how big do roots grow; same as the bush size?
My research shows the fibrous roots can get up to 4 meters (13 feet) long but are mostly shallow. If the soil is sandy, the plant also can develop a taproot. Here is more about its care:
A neighbor intends to plant 4 creosote bushes in a small front yard landscape and will hand water. How much space is needed for each mature plant?
She may not need 4 if it's a small area. They can get up to 13 feet tall and 10 feet wide but tolerate pruning well.