Hello, this is my third attempt to send this question, so I apologise if you have it 3 times. I have a lemon scented gum where the leaves and tops of the branches have died- gone brown. However the main branch and trunk are very much alive. I have noted that this type of tree, in this area have the same issue. The tree appears to be trying to regrow some leaves in a couple of areas, but the growth is very minimal. My tree is on a slope so the water would pass through. I have just soaked the area as we have not had a lot of rain here for some time. Should I, soak again? Trim the dead branches and prune it like a rose- to a nook? Air rate the soil? Feed it? Thank you Jo
It definitely could be drought stress, though they are pretty drought tolerant. On a slope, though, your soil may not have enough time to absorb the water. You can poke around and dry and loosen up the soil between roots, and aerate as much as possible. Adding mulch the the area may help, too.
This article will offer information on keeping the tree looking as good as it can.