It is cold now, and the corn has turned a tan dry color. Is it dead or in a stage?
Once corn has turned a brown/tan color, it is usually done for the season.
Where can I purchase tender treat seeds?
Most seed supply companies carry it (Burpees, Park Seed, Johnny's, etc.). You can also check with local garden centers to see if they carry the types you're looking for.
Is there a way to prevent cross pollination of sweet corn and a framer's field corn? I will plant non GMO sweet corn, raised by organic means (small amount, approx. 10-20 stalks). The farmer most likely has GMO field corn and he sprays with pesticides. His large fields are approx. 1/2 an acre or less from where I plan to plant. His fields are east and south of my land. Do I have to worry about cross pollination and do I have to worry about the pesticides floating over to my land?
The pesticides are not so much a problem. They normally do not drift very far unless you are experiencing high winds.
Cross pollination on the other hand could be a problem. At a half acre away, it will be minimal but you do need at least 100 yards of distance to prevent any cross pollination.
I am in Raleigh NC. Today I have planted vegetable seeds into my garden (corn, sugar snap peas, green beans, eggplant, bell peppers). Have I hurt anything by planting directly into the soil, and is this too early?
It is a bit premature for planting many of these crops in your area, as most will need temps of at least 65 degrees F. to grow well. Worst case senario for seed planting, however, is either slow or no germination. You will pretty much have to wait this one out and see how it goes. Should your more tender plants sprout, you can always add row covers for protection in cooler temps. Here is more information:,
How long for corn to sprout?
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The previous tenants in my house left a lot of trash in the backyard. As I dig deeper around the yard, I have found things like styrofoam, paint can lids, plastic, etc. I have not tested the soil, but this cannot be safe to start a garden in. I have read that certain plants like corn, mustards, sunflowers, fava beans and so on have the ability to take in heavy metals and contaminates. My question is, do I have to wait a few years for anything to be edible to eat in the yard, or can making these plants "companion plants" along with other things I anticipate on eating safe to eat?
This article may help:
What to do about pesky squirrels? They wait and eat everything. Squirrels will dig up corn seeds, dig in flower pots and eat the corn when almost ready! How do I get rid of them in garden?
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