How do you know when it's time to harvest cilantro?
You can start harvesting once it is 4-5" tall. Just make sure when you harvest you leave some leaves on the plant. This article should help:
My cilantro will grow great to a point, then start turning brown. I read the info on this website, and I think I need to pinch it off sooner. Everything else I'm doing follows your suggestions.
Pinching sooner will not harm the plant, so go ahead and pinch away.
I live in Reno, NV. We have a very short growing season. This is my first time really trying a garden. I built a big 8 ft x 3 ft box for everything. I'm starting my garden and have a lot of herbs, so I'm doing cilantro. At first it looked normal, then dried out. I got it back to life, but now it's growing back like small trees, not bushy looking at all. It's not very fragrant either. What does all this mean? Should I start over?
My basil is growing great, but I noticed it's growing flowers at the top of the plant. Is that normal?
These articles may help with the cilantro:
Your basil has bolted. Here is more info:
I have been growing fresh cilantro outside for a few weeks. I bought it as a plant, not seeds. It is very tall and the taller parts have flowers. Does this mean that part is not usable anymore. What should I do?
The flowers mean that it has bolted, which means that the leaves' flavor is not as good. But, as a consolation with cilantro, the seeds are also the spice coriander.
I planted a cilantro plant about 4 weeks ago. It is getting very tall and I guess I need to know how to prune it.
In terms of pruning, you can start nipping the tops once the plants have at least 3-4 sets of true leaves. These articles will help:
Growing cilantro for the first time. Do birds like to eat this herb?
I have personally never had a problem with birds getting at my cilantro. Birds tend to go after fruit rather than herbs.
What is bolting? I read that cilantro will bolt? I have only had one harvest and now the plants are full of flowers; is that what is meant?
Yes, bolting is when plants flower. These articles will explain more: