I am a first time gardener. I am trying my hand at indoor container gardening. I read online that I could grow cilantro and basil in the same container. The cilantro started to grow immediately. After 3 weeks, the basil has not sprouted. The cilantro now looks like tangled corn silk. See attached photo. Is this lost, or do I need to do anything special to save either the cilantro or basil? I am tempted to try again with something else - can I reuse the soil again for other plantings? Thanks!
I suggest starting over with a couple of transplants. Herbs don't cost much and you could get one or two of each. You could use the same soil if it was fresh potting soil to start with, but I would spoon off the side with the threads and add more soil there. (They may have died from damping off, a fungal disease.)
Hello, just curious.. I’m new to gardening and cilantro was a must.. I planted a bonney brand cilantro in miracle grow herb soil.. it looks like it growing but the leaves have some brown areas. I read it could be disease. Should I throw it out or is it safe to keep and eat?
My first thought is that perhaps it's been overwatered. If the roots are too wet, they can't transport nutrients to the plant. But there could be other reasons, as well. Here's a helpful article:
I had a very successful summer growing my cilantro. However, the stems got very thick, no longer a bushy plant, kept it trimmed and kept all seedlings off to keep the plant going. Now, it doesn't have hardly any regular leaves that it did and the plant has just thick stocks.
Once it does this, you will want to start over. Cilantro isn't meant to live for more than a season, being an annual.
This article will help you to grow cilantro:
It is growing in a aero-garden and was perfect the 1st few months. Now it has a sticky looking substance on many of the leaves.
The sticky substance is often honeydew and it is produced by insects such as aphids or scales. Check the leaves for these sap sucking insects.
Here is info on how to remove them: