Can you please tell me how to deal with black flies on my Stella cherry tree?
I would recommend trying neem oil. It is effective against both harmful insects, mites, and fungus but is perfectly safe for plants, pets, and humans.
I have what looks like little red eggs on my Bing cherry tree. They are at the leaf stem and ants are all over the tree limbs. What is this, and what do I do?
While I cannot be sure of the eggs, I think it is definitely an issue with pests like aphids or mites. The ants are simply attracted the honeydew the insects secrete. I would treat the tree with neem oil, which will take care of the pests, as well as the ants. This article will help:
I have a cherry tree that has been stunted. It is fifteen years old and has only grown two or three feet tall. How can I cut from the cherry tree and make a start to replant? The cherry tree has sentimental value. It was given to me by my mother before she passed and I would like a start from this one.
Cherry trees are not normally propagated from cuttings, but you can try a hardwood cutting method. This article will help:
I live in Zone 5 and have planted a Yoshino cherry tree in my front yard. The tree is about 5. 5' tall. My yard has a lot of clay in the soil. It has been a week since I've planted my cherry tree. The leaves appear to be 'droopy'. Is my tree getting too much water? We have had bad rain storms and I'm worried the water is not draining properly.
Planting cherry trees requires well-drained, fertile soil. Cherry trees are very susceptible to root rot, so the soil needs to be well-drained. They also require about eight hours of sunlight daily. Also, it's important to plant them in higher ground.
Here is an article that you may find helpful:
When is the best time of the year to plant dwarf black cherry trees? I live in Chicago.
I bought a cherry tree that grows in a pot. It was doing ok but now seems to be dying. I have also got an apple and a plum tree at the same time and they are doing great, so what’s wrong with my cherry tree? I have being watering it and it’s in the same place as the other trees.
This article will help determine if the tree is still alive:
As for its care, this article should help:
I bought a dwarf bing cherry tree but no longer have the tag on the tree. How do I know if I need another tree for pollination? I did read the tag but don't recall seeing that I needed another tree to produce fruit. Is there any way for me to tell now?
The Bing cherry does not necessarily have to have another tree for pollination, but it will produce more fruit on the tree year after year if there is another fruiting cherry nearby. The bees should be able to pollinate the Bing flower to flower without a second cherry tree nearby. However, you may want to consider planting another one anyway (Rainier or Stellaare good choices). This article may also be helpful: