Using the paper towel method to test some older catnip seeds, I selected about 20 seeds that germinated quickly. They grew about 1", produced 2 sets of leaves, and for over a month now, have not progressed one bit!! The soil was potting soil from Costco, and they have enough water and lots of sun and fertilized occasionally. What went wrong? The same seeds I used last year, under the same conditions were just fine. My cat is ticked off--any ideas?
Old seeds will not cause stunted growth but I suspect your issue may be low temps. Seedlings grow faster with higher temps. As cold as this spring has been for many parts of the country, I suspect that your windowsill may be cooler this year than last year, which slows the growth.
aha! i just got new seeds, and pulled the others up, as they have made absolutely no progress for weeks on end. i'll get these going, and do a sun dance--maybe we'll get some sun before this fall....thanks
I have a Catnip plant and it has gotten flower blooms. Now I see flies all over the blooms. Thought this plant repells.
Catnip does repel many species of flies, but it is also an insect-pollinated plant and does attract some insect species. The fact that the bugs you see are attracted to the blooms suggests they are most likely pollinators and harmless to your garden.
My catnip has begun to brown and I'm not sure why. The leaves are not dried out or wilting, but do not appear to be the healthy lush green they once were. Any ideas on how I can help my plant out? Thanks!
This could be due do a few different issues.
Your plant may be over or under watered. Make sure the soil is moist but never soggy. Make sure your container has adequate drainage holes in the bottom and that they are draining.
Often a container that sits directly on ground may not drain freely. You can sit the container on a few bricks to raise it off the ground.
Nutritional issues in the soil could also cause the color changes in the leaves.
I like to give my Herbs Epsom Salt.
Here are some links with more information.
I just bought the following plants as I read they're good to keep mosquitoes away. But I need to know what kind of sunlight they need. Catnip, Sweet Marjoram, Marigolds, Lemon grass, English Lavender,Bee Balm, and Lemon Balm
All of them require full sun, but can handle a little shade. Catnip and Balms can handle much more shade than the others, however.
I bought this as a butterfly plant at home depot, but no bees or butterflies ever went near it. However I did find cats passing thru just went nuts over it and would lie on it, flatten it and cuddle with it like crazy. I recently divided the plant. Wnen fully grown it gets very large and maintains a perfect tight dome shape. Just brought in a few leaves for one of my cats and he went nuts over it. I did not let him eat it. Is this plant safe for cats to ingest? or play in? Thank you.
Yes. It appears to be catnip. Here is an article that will help:
There are several new varieties of cat mint on the market but I am not finding new varieties of cat nip. Are there any?
I did a brief research but don't see anything particularly new. This article describes a few different varieties of catnip: