I am attempting to grow a cassia from a cutting. It successfully has gone from a cutting to a small plant with a good root network, out growing a 2 gallon pot. I transferred it into a larger pot, where it continued to thrive. Tuesday I noticed a small something attached to the underside of one leaf (white, looks like bird poop) which I assumed to be spider eggs or other insect, which I left to monitor. Thursday I come home from work and All of the leaves from the 14"-16" plant have been eaten. Any ideas of what gives?
The white blob on the underside of the leaf may have been an egg case from an insect pest, maybe a caterpillar; without a photo we can only guess. Spiders wouldn't defoliate the tree.
Next time you see a suspicious object like that, don't "leave it to monitor", wipe it off with a rag or cotton glove, before it can mature and do any damage.
It's possible that the white blob is not related to the pest that defoliated the tree.
I planted a cassia about 1 1/2 years ago, an it has really grown and was beautiful until this spring I discovered large ants ? all over it. Further investigation revealed a large ant bed at the base. So, I poisoned the ants with a commercial product, both spray and granular. The tree is now loosing leaves (turn yellow then drop) and some small limbs seem dead. Yesterday I discovered that the ant bed at the base is still there, with some ants, though fewer than before poison. So, my question is are the ants killing the tree, or the ant poison???? What should I do???? Don’t want to loose it! Help! Thanks in advance!
You will need to contact company from the insecticide that you used.
They should be able to tell you if this was a product that could be used near plants and what the effects are.
This article has information on ant control.
I grew some butterfly cassia from seeds. They are about 5 months old and are about 24 inches tall. They are very spindly with with little branches of 6-8 leaves. When will they be ready to ground plant? They don't seem to be branching out much. How long does it take for the plant to actually grow branches instead of just getting taller? I am having to stake the stalks because they are thin. I was actually just playing around to see if I could actually grow a few trees and now I have about 40 of these little guys (lol). I live in Florida. I will show you a couple pictures of my seedlings and a couple of Mt 1 year old trees. Thanks for your help.
This article will help you.
I have black spots on my cassia leaves. I sprayed with garden fungicide and after a few days black spots returned, so i removed them. Is this normal?
It can be for wetter seasons. Along with treating the top of the tree multiple times, I would also treat the soil!
Use DOLOMITIC LIME and WETTABLE SULFUR to cast around the tree's root zone. This will help with infections, as well as condition the soil.
This article will help you to care for these trees: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/cassia/growing-cassia-trees.htm
You might benefit from having your local extension service take a soil sample to find out, exactly, what is going on. This article will help you to find the closest one to you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/extension-search
Tree is 2 years old planted from seed into ground. I have 3 tall ones 8 ft and 4 small. Concern is they are crowded. Have not bloomed yet. Thanks
As a rule of thumb, Spring is the best time of year for transplanting.
It just happened. Yellow leaves and these black gooey dots on the stems. Other than that he is getting big. I hope you can see it on the pics. Thank you for your website!
This is a very minor fungal infection. They will usually correct themselves, but you can help it along some.
Use DOLOMITIC LIME and WETTABLE SULFUR together in the soil around the tree out about 3 or feet from the trunk. You can also use spray fungicides to treat the top. This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/info/using-fungicides-in-garden.htm
This article will help you with the general care of these trees: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/cassia/growing-cassia-trees.htm
Thank you so much! I will try the homemade mixture and see if it gets better!
Do spikes continue to bloom or should I just trim them off
Regular dead-heading keeps many plants blooming, especially annuals. The goal of an annual plant is to set seed. If you frustrate that goal by trimming off spent bloom stems, no seed is formed and the plant sends up more flowers in another attempt. Toward the end of summer, you may wish to collect seed for next year. Remember that many hybrid flowers do not "come true from seed"; in other words, your plant from collected seed may have different characteristics than the current plant.