When to prune buttercups?
Remove the old foliage in the spring, large patches can be mowed.
Spent flowers can be removed to promote more blooms.
Hi . I have a 3/4 acre lawn which is heavily infested with creeping buttercup ( CP ) How can I get rid of it please ! I have tried Resolva plus advertised as killing CP in lawns - absolutely useless ( it killed off the grass but the buttercup just grew back ) , Same result with Verdone extra . There must be something that will kill it without destroying the lawn ? Many thanks , Roland....
Here is an article on Buttercup Weed control.
I have had a couple of these plants for 3 years. The first 2 yrs., they grew beautifully. This year, not so much. The main stems just died off and little runners off of the main one were left. They still get flowers but are no where near what they were. What kind of a life span do these plants have? They get professionally fertilized. Thank you in advance.
I have known of a patch that was over 20 years old! This is rare, and they will, typically live from 4 to 12 years, but with the proper care, you can get them to live for a very long time.
Here is an article that will help with care: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/ranunculus/growing-ranunculus-buttercups.htm
This weed has a basal clump structure.
That looks like creeping buttercup. I agree, it is tenacious. The best way to pull it is to use a dandelion fork or a trowel when the soil is damp. It has a tough, fibrous root system. I found the following weed guide for Maryland.
I tried to remove by spraying with Killex. Seems to just spread more.
Unfortunately, 2-4,D will not kill buttercup. You will need a selective herbicide, or even Glyphosate. Just make sure to follow all laws and regulation in your area, because they may be different than ours here in the US.
This article will offer more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/weeds/how-to-kill-buttercup-weeds.htm