Is there a limit to recycling potting soil? (My 1-year old brugmansia plant, poisonous, succumbed to the frost over the last winter. Now, I am left with quite a lot of relatively new soil in its big container and the young strawberry plants need potting up but I am not sure if it is potentially dangerous to use this soil [maybe even mixed in with John Innes No1] for food plants.) Kind regards, Anica Jessop
Whenever you reuse potting soil it's recommended that you sterilize it. This article will tell you some ways to sterilize potting soil:
This highest level of the toxin atrophine, which makes Brugmansia toxic, is usually found in the seeds of the plant. I've known people who grow Brugmansia right next to food crops w/o getting ill from toxins leeching in to other plants, but to be safe I would sift and sterilize the soil.
If I leave any of the root will it continue growing from there?
Yes, A Brugmansia pruned all the way to the ground will grow from the root.
Ok thanks for the answer...but if i remove the entire stump but leave behind any of the thick roots...will they grow back. Thanks
My Brugmansia bloomed last summer but so far no blooms this year. I repotted it this spring snd have fertilized and wateted it faithfully. Its beautiful and lliscious foilage ... at least 6 ft tall. What am i doing wrong? Thanks for your help
A very good fertilizer ratio for brugmansia is 15-5-10, or 30-10-20.When your brugs are outside, potted, and ready to grow and bloom, feed them full strength liquid fertilizer once to twice a week in amount directed on label.
do repot do I loosen the roots as usual?? Any advice would be appriciated. Live in Oregon and some evenings are gettin cool.
You can repot if you choose to. When you do, gently prod at the roots and loosen it some, but do not remove the soil. It will break too many for it to recover properly, especially if there is cooler weather ahead.
This article will give you more information on the care of these plants:
I wish to grow Brugmansias indoors, although I do have a greenhouse.
We do not recommend specific places to purchase, but you can check Amazon, Etsy, or Ebay. These places will often have what you are looking for.
As for care indoors... They are very light hungry. You will need very bright horticultural light. Window light will not be enough to keep it healthy. I would recommend 200 watts or more. Other than that, they will be cared for as you would in container outdoors. Just make sure that you have PLENTY of light.
Just a little note: These plants are VERY TOXIC. It only takes a few small bits to be fatal. Make sure that no children or pets can have access to this.
This article will help:
Plant data base on brugmansia, little angel trumpet plant and picture of flower on the plant.
A google search revealed this website: