We have a mature Bradford pear tree that lost a major limb in a storm. The main trunk was split when this happened last fall. So far the tree is doing well and came back fine in the spring. What can I do to help protect and repair the trunk? Will wrapping help?
This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/tgen/what-to-do-for-storm-damage-trees-repair.htm
I planted a Bradford pear tree about 12 years ago. It's not growing too good where it's located. My neighbor's oak tree next door is shading the tree and it's growing toward the sun. Is it possible to uproot it and replant it somewhere else in my yard where it gets full sun?
If the tree is not too large, then you might be able to transplant it--but I would do so now (in spring) before it gets too hot, otherwise wait until fall. When transplanting, make sure you dig up as much of the root system as possible and place it in a large enough hole to accommodate these roots. It needs sun and well-draining soil. You may also want to consider trimming the tree to reduce shock. Be sure to give it plenty of water while the tree establishes itself in the new location. Here is an article that you may find helpful: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/environmental/learn-how-to-avoid-and-repair-transplant-shock-in-plants.htm
I planted a Bradford pear tree about 6 years ago, which I purchased at a gardening center. Although it has grown tall, each year my tree gets only a very few puny white blooms while the rest is green leaves. Other Bradfords in the area are in full white bloom. The town also planted a Bradford about 15 feet from mine, which also goes into a beautiful bloom. What is wrong with my tree?
I would go with a phosphorus rich fertilizer. This will help with flower production.
My Bradford pear trees do not seem to be growing well. Any suggestions?
Fertilizer and additional water should help. It has been a hot summer and many plants are suffering. What leads you to believe that they are not doing well? This will help us give you more precise recommendations.
I have a maple tree that has suddenly developed yellowing leaves and the leaves are falling almost like it was fall. I have noticed several trees in the neighborhood that have done the same thing and have died. They are all types of trees, from Bradford pears to evergreen varieties. It seems just one tree dies and the neighboring ones are unaffected.
this should be helpful:
Squirrels are gnawing their teeth on various things around the yard--base and large branches of fruitless pear trees, fence, base of rose trees, and also have begun popping out the buds of our gardenia bushes. I've heard dog repellent would be a cure and would appreciate some advice as to a homemade remedy or shelf product that would be effective in keeping the squirrels safe and continue to play in the yard without gnawing.
This article has some suggestions: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/animals/get-rid-squirrels.htm
Think I have a Bradford pear tree (only one that my daughter gave me years ago). Last year it produced profusely, but this year I think there may be 7 pears in all! Is this normal, or am I doing or not doing something right or wrong?
Have you pruned? If the branches have become too crowded, the tree will fruit poorly. This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/pear/pear-tree-pruning.htm
What about fertilizer? Too much nitrogen fertilizer will result in lush foliage growth with little to no blooming or fruiting. Adding more phosphorus, such as bone meal, can help offset this. If you have plenty of blossoms but are not getting any fruit, it could be a pollination issue. The high heat in much of the country has been a factor as well.