Our blueberry crop is ruined this year.The flowers did not drop off, and almost every berry is that way. The flowers are still hanging on and if it has fallen off, there is a short spike left in the center of the berry. we have ended up just throwing them out.
I haven't seen anything similar in my research, but a soil test might be in order to determine if there is a mineral deficiency. Visit with your local extension agent and see if anyone else in the area is experiencing this odd blueberry behavior, too.
Last year I bought a "BlueJay" blueberry bush from a large local plant nursery on Cape Cod, MA. This year it has produced no fruit so far. This year the nursery told me mine had not started fruit because it needed a 2nd bush, preferably of a different cultivar, in order to be pollinated. So yesterday I bought a 2nd cultivar from this nursery that they verbally identified as a "BlueRay." I looked at your website to determine whether the 2 types I now have are compatible for cross-pollination. I don't see any "BlueJay" type on any of your lists. Please explain. And also, please tell me what the best varieties would be for cross pollinating each of them. Feel free to phone me at 617-877-5660. Thank you.
The Blue Jay is a highbush blueberry. Here's an article about highbush blueberries that will be helpful:
You may need to contact your local extension service for info on the best candidates for cross pollination in your area.
The leach field for our septic system is under the front lawn. It is marked by a pipe sticking out of the ground. The contractor suggested planting shrubs to hide it. A short hedge would work well in that area, was thinking that blueberries might be a good idea.
In this case, near a leech field, I would not recommend it. You don't want to consume anything that grows near one, since the roots have a chance to contact some pretty nasty bacteria. Even a small chance should be avoided. Besides that, blueberries have such specific soil needs that they will probably not do well unless you amend the soil, constantly, in their favor.
I would recommend something that it easy care and something that you will not consume.
Here are some articles that will offer some suggestions:
I highly discourage planting something that you intend to consume in this area, but should you still choose to attempt blueberries, these articles will help:
I stratified my seeds in the refrigerator for 3+ months and they are starting to germinate. When should I transfer them to a pot? Should I do it immediately or is there a length the germination should be before I transfer? What kind of soil?
Doing so, now, will prevent roots from tangling and breaking from transplant. Here are some articles that will help:
We have about 1100 plants, trying to find a product to help control the weeds and not damage the blueberry plants. Thanks for your help
The article below says corn gluten meal is not effective in weed control but the nitrogen did green up the grass and weeds.
Since you have so many plants at stake, I would advise a talk with your local ag extension agent. Here is how to contact them:
I have 2 bushes in pots of eracacious soil
This article should help:
I am seeing yellowing marks appear all over the leaves of my blueberry plant. I bought it in an outdoor market a some weeks ago. As far as I could see it contained a mix of peat moss, rice husks and normal compost. Apparently they kept it outside most of the time. Since there’s a bunch of bad mosquitoes near my house, I decided to keep it inside, close to a window with a lot of light. So far, I’ve only added organic compost, but I think it didn’t contain worms really, it was small quantity. Also, some generic potting mix and, lastly, organic apple vinegar which someone recommended for blueberries. Now I’m putting some used coffee grounds as I’m worried this may be due lack of nutrients. Any help would be appreciated.
This is more likely a lack of light! They need full sun, and horticultural lighting will be necessary in combination with window lighting.
Apart from this, blueberry care in container is quite involved. These articles will help: