I don't know the type of this blueberry
I'm sorry but we would not be able to identify the variety of this Blueberry.
This article has information the most common types of Blueberries.
Why are my blueberries getting marks that are hard when blueberry is opened?
From just this image; it can be hard to tell. You will want to do careful inspection of the plants; leaves, stems of the Blueberries.
I suspect this is an Anthracnose: which can be treated by use of fungicides.
I've listed some articles to help you with diagnosis.
You also could take some samples to your County Extension Office, they may have more information on regional issues in fruit crops.
I have thousands of wild blueberries the low and high bush. I rarely ever pick the low bush..and when I say thousands I am not joking. Anyway, I pick blueberries every year but for the last 3 years they have not produced much at all..last year there was some, but the year before that there was none, and this year there are none, and there is no way that I can fertilize or prune etc. as they are in the woods. Of course there are thousands of them, so imagine that task and cost...I was wondering, do they go dormant at times for a few years? We had a pretty cold winter and there has been plenty of rain and sun this spring summer and plenty of bees around There were a lot of green berries but then nothing - no blue ones and no green ones either. Where did the green ones go? Thanks for any help. Bonnie
Weather, sunlight, disease or even birds and pests can be reasons that you are not seeing berries.
You can talk with your County Extension Office to see if they have weather reports on other crops in your area; you mention some weather extremes.
My blueberries are not sweet. what should I do?
You may be picking the fruit too early. Do not pick them as soon as they turn blue. Wait a few more days for them to fully ripen and grow larger and sweeter.
Also, follow the fertilizing schedule in the article below and the importance of acidic soil:
This article will help with the care of blueberries: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/blueberries/growing-blueberry.htm
The ingredients are easy to get and not expensive
The important part of the mix is two things. Ammonium Sulfate, rather than Ammonium Nitrate- Blueberries are very sensitive to nitrates, and using any fertilizers with nitrates will result in discolored plants, and eventual death.
The pH must be a little on the acidic side as well- Blueberries don't really like neutral to alkaline soil.
The good news is that Ammonium Sulfate will lower the pH of your mix. You, sort of, kill two birds with one stone.
Here is an article that will help you to care for blueberry plants: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/blueberries/growing-blueberry.htm
I have nine blueberry bushes that always produce beautiful berries. This year two of them still have berries that never ripened. At some point they just stopped ripening. Any ideas?
Are all nine the same variety? Since they have been producing in the past, I don't think it is the chill factor which is a common reason blueberries don't ripen. Lack of sun and high pH in soil are two more reasons. Is part of your blueberry patch getting shadier, such as trees growing larger canopies? Has anything affected soil pH? These are the most common reasons for lack of ripening. If none of these seem appropriate, try contacting your local cooperative extension agent for more information.
What kind of dirt should I put around my bushes, and can I put manure on them and when? I have a 7ft. blueberry bush and it gives a lot of berries a year. But doesn't have any good dirt at the base of the plant. My son has been putting pineneedles on it, is that good too. How about nitrogen, how much should I put on it and when ? Thanks so much Carolyn
Pine needles are good organic mulch that will help the soil acidity. Organic fertilizers such as blood meal or fish meal are recommended to provide nitrogen. Bone meal and powdered seaweed can provide potassium and phosphorus.