My Black-eyed peas look great but will not produce. Same with my Blue Lake Beans. What is my problem?
It sounds like your blossoms are not getting pollinated. Try planting some flowers next to your garden that attract bees and butterflies. Make sure you properly fertilize the peas at least once or twice as well.
I have to do an experiment to show if giving a plant more water would show faster growth rate. I planted two separate pots. One has enough water and the other has a great amount of water. The one with more water showed a shoot after 3 days but the other plant showed no sign of growth.
At that stage, extra water helps to speed up germination because it helps to soften the seed coat faster, which makes it easier for the water to penetrate the rest of the seed and start the germination.
I recently planted some black eye peas. Please tell me why the top of my leaves are a light yellowish green but the leaves underneath is a little dark green.
It may be lacking enough nutrients, which could stem from not being able to take up enough nutrients due to either too little water or transplant shock. I would increase water to the plants and that should help.
When planting black-eye peas and lima beans, does it matter which side is down?
No, there's no certain direction, the roots and top growth know which way to go. Just drop it in the planting hole, cover and water.
How do you know when black-eyed peas are ready to be picked?
Black-eyed peas are usually ready for picking about 60 to 90 days after planting. Harvest for several days to a few weeks, depending on the variety you have planted. Harvest the black-eyed peas plant before maturity for young, tender snaps. Leaves are also edible at younger stages, prepared in the same way as spinach and other greens.
I have black-eyed pea seedlings. They were doing well and still look ok, other than the only leaves have wilted. They are not yellow or weak looking, just wilted down. It looks like more growth is happning at the tops. Is this normal?
I would think of three things, lack of moisture, temperature and lack of light.
This is my first year growing black eyed peas and I'm not sure when to pick. How long before I can harvest?
It depends on the exact variety, but it should be about 70 days from planting. You know they are ready to harvest when the pods can be easily split and the seeds come out easily.