Our bird bath has a slow leak. What can we use to stop the leak that will not harm the birds?
I had a slow leak in mine too. I dried out the birdbath for a couple days and then wiped it out real good. I bought a caulking size tube of GE Silicone clear caulking and with my caulking gun squirted a bunch out into the birdbath bowl. Using rubber gloves on my hand I smoothed the caulking out so I got a nice layer all around the bowl and made sure it ran all the way up the sides to the waters edge. I let that dry for a couple days in the sun.Once dry it forms a rubbery layer and has not harmed any birds or squirrels that also drink from the birdbaths we have.
We just moved and our new house has a large patio and I want to design a small garden around it to attact hummingbirds. I know it's to late for this year, but are there any plants that I can plant now so the garden will be ready for next year? Tim r
This article should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/beneficial/attracting-hummingbirds.htm
Will spraying neem oil on a bush, vine or tree hurt or repel nesting birds?
Neem oil is perfectly safe for people, animals (and birds), as well as most beneficial insects. Here is more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/problems/pests/neem-oil-uses.htm
We have coconut fiber planters on our balcony; the birds have picked them apart. Is there something we can do to prevent this? This is the second year we have used the same planters. They stayed in place over the winter. Since we re-planted them in early spring (mid-April) with pansies, they are deteriorating by the week because of the birds. We would like to replace the pansies with geraniums for the summer, but wonder if we can continue to use them in their weakened condition.
Birds are always searching for material to feather their nests.
The article below has some ideas for deterring the birds from your plants.
I need plans to build an owl box or nest
Sure! These articles will help: