I have mildly alkali soil. Will using anthracite coal,dust or small coal chunks acidify. What about pine needles? The plants have survived over the,winter, but will probably die out, as situation now stands.
This can help some, but I would recommend using iron sulfate to safely acidify the soil. A soil test will be necessary to know exactly how much you need to lower the pH.
I have a purple wild aster bush that is getting quite leggy by the time it blooms in August. Blooms nicely but rather stalky on the bottom. Am I suppose to trim it back in the spring like mums? When is the best time? I'm afraid it's too late now. I live in northern Indiana. My plant is about 8 inches tall already.
Yes, treat your aster like a mum by pinching it back on Memorial Day and July 4th. It will be shorter, bushier and give a lovely show come fall. Asters do quite nicely in poor soil so do not fertilize it as this will result in leggy growth and fewer flowers.
I noticed that when my Aster blooms fall off, there appears to be seeds like Marigolds. Are these seeds, and can I plant them? Thank you in advance!
To keep your asters blooming nicely you will want to remove these seed heads anyway so why not try to create new plants from the seed. This article should help
I have a large aster plant that isn't getting enough sunlight and I will be moving it. Can it be split in two or three sections?
Yes, you may split these if you would like. Here is an article that will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/asters/growing-asters.htm
I bought as a large thickly blossomed potted plant in late September 3 years ago..placed them in the ground in October..watered in well, covered with cedar mulch..they returned last year but did not bloom..so this year I cut them back once they became a foot tall..now they are covered in the same royal blue flowers with yellow centres..I love them and don't want to lose them..how do I make them bushier? Thanks so much for your help..I don't have a camera but they are just lovely
I'm not sure why your asters didn't bloom last year. Are they in full sun? There are hybrid asters that make knowing exactly which one you have very difficult. It sounds like Aster novae-angliae, aka Symphyotrichum New England aster. It may also be Aster novi-belgii "Royal Blue", a New York or Michaelmas aster. Like mums, asters need to be trimmed once or twice before July 4th. This helps them bush out instead of becoming rangy. Since asters are prone to mildew, remove some stems to the ground to increase air circulation. Fertilizer isn't necessary and may encourage tall, floppy growth. Put 2 inches of compost around the base of the plant annually instead of fertilizer. Consider saving some seed from this year's blooms. Asters are easy to grow from seed and seed can be sown in late fall where you want it to grow. If your aster is a hybrid, plants from seed will not look exactly like the parent plant. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/asters/aster-seed-planting.htm
Yes, especially native asters. Also, lantana, pentas, chrysanthemum, frostweed (native), zinnia, butterfly bush, purple coneflower, helenium, goldenrod, milkweed.
Hi, We recently replanted store bought asters into our garden bed and immediately they seem to have died. All the flowers are dead and the foliage is yellow and way too dry. What do you think the problem is, and how can we revive them, if at all?
Now will not be a good time to plant these. It is still far too warm.
These should be planted in Spring in your area, as the warmer weather will prevent them from taking to the transplant. Compounding the issue will be overwatering in attempt to compensate for the dry and heat. This leads to infections.
Your best bet will be to treat with a fungicide, and hope for the best. They may or may not make it until next year. Should they not come up by mid spring next year, you will know that you should replant then. Waiting until this time of year will usually end up like this.
This article will help you to plant and care for these flowers: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/asters/growing-asters.htm