Recently, I was given a frizzle sizzle and I repotted it, as it was very badly root bound. I put it in a larger vase and gave it a small drink of water. Should I use fertilizer and what kind?? Today is 9-16 and if this is the dormant time I do not want to do it. The stick said to water once a week and place in the sun. I do not have a place to put it in the house with direct sun, as our windows are tinted for the Florida sun. (34788) The sun coming in the window is somewhat diffuse but it is direct sun. Any information you can give me I would appreciate as a friend gave it to me and I would like to keep it alive. Thank you Mary Campbell
Frizzle sizzle, botanical name Albuca spiralis, is an unusual plant that typically grows in winter and goes dormant in the summer in warm zones like Florida. It can also be kept as a houseplant year-round without going dormant. Yes, you can fertilize it in winter, then stop fertilizing and watering in summer to allow dormancy. If desired, you can plant it outdoors or place the pot outdoors, which may encourage it to flower.
Here is more information about this plant. The article explains how to fertilize it:
What should I do with the flower stalk after it has bloomed? Cut it or let it go away naturally in its own time?
Yes, you can cut down the spent flowers.
Hello! My coworker purchased 2 Albucas. One for herself, and one for me. We sit about 10 feet away from each other and my plant looks healthy and happy and hers is SO SAD!! It has started to turn brown and the curls are limp. The strands move around a lot throughout the day. It will be almost all laying down at one point, and an hour later will be back to standing looking more happy. Is there something that we are doing wrong? Water, sun, wrong soil etc? Both plants came from the same nursery, and planted in the same pots with the same soil. It's very strange to me that they are acting so differently. Thank you in advance for your help!! Bethany Charon
Albuca would be difficult to grow in an indoor setting.
These articles will help refresh you on the care requirements.
I would like to know how to plant my Frizzle Sizzle bulbs. They came 3 to an order. Do I plant all three in one pot? If so, how big should the pot be? Most important, please tell me how deep into the soil the bulb(s) should be planted.
I would say that you could plant all of them in a 5 gallon container or larger with no problem. You should plant them 3 to 5 inches under the soil level. This article will give you more information on the care of the plant:
Do you cover the bulb with soil or leave it exposed? My corkscrew albuca doesn't seem to be standing up. I have the plant indoors and I've kept it on the dryer side. Thank you.
You will want to bury most of the bulb, just leaving the very top exposed. Overtime, they will multiply and crowd, which will keep them all upright. This article will give you more information:
I was given a drizzle sizzle and I love it. It was tiny when I got it and I put it in a coffee cup which it loved. A year later it was out growing the cup and in the process of repotting it I broke the bulb. should I be concerned. It's in April so I don't know if I am killing it with the damaged bulb or it is about to go dormant.
Division is how this plant is propagated! Depending on how it was broken, you may have made a copy of it. If you include a photo, then I will be more than glad to tell you what can be done in your situation.
In the meantime, this article will give you more information on the care of this plant:
My albuca just reached it's dormant stage and I am having a hard time finding conclusive information regarding watering. Do I water the bulbs while they are dormant? If so, how much/often? Do I still need to keep it in direct sunlight? Thanks in advance!!
It's best to stop watering when the plant goes dormant, and resume regular watering when new foliage begins to appear in the winter.