At what stage should Agapanthus hedges be trimmed so that the berries will be on show on short branches? Is there any way to discourage birds from eating the berries?
If you want berries to develop then you should hold off on pruning. These will develop from the spent blooms. The only way to prevent birds from getting to the berries is with netting.
Unfortunately, the leaves were damaged when we set off an insecticide bomb in the greenhouse without removing the plants. They are still alive but a lot of the leaves have brown patches. I wonder if I can cut them all down and get good regrowth. They are in pots and usually thriving!
Prune away any foliage you can see is dead, and they will return.
For more information on the care of agapanthus, please visit the following link:,
Should I cut the heads of agapanthus when blooms have died? Planted in pots last year and first blooms this year. Now blooms are dying and I don't know how to continue.
Yes, dead head the spent flowers.
Here is a link with more care information.
I am zone 5, northern Illinois. I have brought in my agapanthus bulbs and don't know how to winter them over to take outdoors in the spring.
You can bring the potted Agapanthus indoors and give it a cooler location.
Water only once a month while it is in it's dormant period.
I have had agapanthus in my garden for about 3 years. They bloomed the first year but not since. They look fine, and I fertilize them and they're propagating very nicely, BUT NO FLOWERS. What else can I do to get them to bloom? Thanks.
The Agapanthus should be divided every 3rd year to keep it blooming.
Fertilize in the early spring with a balanced fertilizer, like 10-10-10.
Apply half that amount again mid summer.
Make sure the fertilizer is balanced and not too high of nitrogen. Too much nitrogen will cause lots of green leaves and no flowers.
Here are some articles to help you.
The tips of my plants are turning brown. I wondered if this is a lack of water or fertilizer. The bed is quite full and beautiful in bloom or not. They have been in the garden about 11 years and never separated. I DO NOT want to lose them. Any advice would be helpful. Thank you.
In warm climates or warm weather the leaves of your Agapanthus foliage can become brown from leaf scorch or sunscald.
You can help your plants now by providing a sunscreen by using some shade cloth.
You may want to move your plants to a shadier location in the future.
The stalks are dried and unsightly now. Can I cut them back?
Yes, you can trim the flower stalks back. Use a garden scissors or knife and cut the stem back to the base of the plant.