Q.Swiss Cheese Plant Needs Help
My Swiss cheese plant has needed very little care over the years but it’s slowly become a tangled mess. It looks like it may collapse but I’m unsure how to help it. Its bottom heavy and quite wide with lots of leaves at top, but in-between there’s a few gaps. Does the bottom part need lifting up and supporting? Do you think re-potting into a larger pot and adding more support posts to separate it would help? (it’s very tangled) If it needs cutting back, where do I start? It’s about 6 ft high and about 3-5 ft wide at the bottom. Any advice would be really appreciated.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This article should help you with that: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/swiss-cheese-plant/proper-care-of-a-swiss-cheese-plant-swiss-cheese-plant-propagation.htm