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Petunia Plants

Q.Sweet William (Petunia)

greenfinger dan added on September 14, 2011 | Answered

Purchased early this year from my local nursery I planted my few Sweet Williams in a ready made bed for a display in the coming summer. Sadly up to now there is not one blossom; in fact, they have multiplied and are looking very healthy I must say. It’s the end of season almost, so do I dig them up and sling them or what?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 17, 2011

If they truly are a petunia, then the season is lost and you should just throw them out. I suspect the location had too much nitrogen as this would cause lots of growth with little flowering.

There is another type of plant called Sweet William that is a type of Dianthus. This plant is a biannual and if what you planted were these, you should leave them in the ground and give them some bone meal to help them with blooming next year.

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