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Sweet Potato Plants

Q.Sweet Potato Vine (Sweet Caroline)

Zone 07747 | Anonymous added on September 19, 2017 | Answered

Something is eating my sweet potato vine. I thought it might be a ground hog bu I raised it up higher on crates. It is unlikely to be a deer. In July, something ate all the leaves. They grew back and seemed to be fine. When I went to bed last night, it was fine. This morning all the leaves were gone. Just stems. What to do?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 20, 2017

I'm sorry that you are having this problem. Animal pests are a difficult problem for any gardener. Groundhogs, aka woodchucks, actually can climb like squirrels, and they eat gardens hungrily, so they are still a possibility. Rabbits, mice, and ground squirrels are also possibilities. Enclosing plants in metal mesh cages can be very helpful, even if you just enclose a few feet near the ground, at least for some animals. Here are some articles that may help:


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