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Sweet Pea Plants

Q.Sweet peas

Zone NP19 | Gillian Margaret added on August 17, 2017 | Answered

Bought sweet pea plants in spring (they are great) and would like more info on how I can get cuttings for next spring pl? Know I have to save pods at end of season but do I dry I them out until spring or take ‘peas’ out now and dry? Can’t find anything in my Readers Digest gardening books. Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
David Wynne
Answered on August 17, 2017

I have never taken cuttings. Wait until the seed pods begin to dry and fill out and there is evidence of seeds inside. Open one or two, you are looking for hard, dark brown / black seeds with possibly a white dot. If the seeds are green then you have collected them too early. You can risk planting a few at the end of October / November, but I always wait until spring and keep the seeds dry until then. Before you sow them, soak them overnight in a cup of water to help germination.

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