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Hyacinth Plant

Q.sweet corn freshness

Zone 46902 | emilyacurry added on July 30, 2016 | Answered

Does sweet corn stay fresher if kept in the husk or out of the husk? Does sweet corn stay fresher in a bag in the refrigerator or at room temperature?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 31, 2016

In the husk, in the fridge -- but keeping it in the husk is a matter of preference. You can shuck it and then store it, too.

I keep mine in a plastic grocery bag so that a little air can still circulate around it, otherwise you'll get a slimy feel to the husk when you take the ears out of the fridge (if it doesn't get eaten quickly).

Here's an article that may help you:


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