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Ligustrum Shrubs

Q.Sunshine Ligustrum losing its leaves in winter

Zone Columbia S. C. 29229 | Anonymous added on April 16, 2019 | Answered

Most of my Sunshine Ligustrum that where planted in spring of 20116 have lost 90% of their leaves the last two winters. Ligustrum in front yard (SW facing) lost leaves first winter. Ligustrums in front and back yard (NE facing)lost most of their leaves this winter. The leaves come back last summer but growth and appearance does not seem normal. Ligustrums in front and back yard are planted as border along the house edge with dyed wood mulch (black). 3 of the 10 Loropetalums planted do not lose their leaves as severely as the other 7. Loropetalum and dwarf Hollies planted with the Ligustrums are doing well.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 17, 2019

These are adapted for a wide variety of climates. They do act differently in different climate zones. In many areas, they will lose their leaves. They can handle pruning, and often this will restore their vigor. Now would be the time to trim before the growth starts to get aggressive.

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