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Summer Squash Plants

Q.Summer squash

Zone Columbia, SC | KerriSC added on June 13, 2017 | Answered

So my summer squash is/was a beautiful display. One really took off faster than the others. She produced one gorgeous and delicious yellow squash and then… poof. Stops producing. And I mean, NO flowers, no buds, no nothing. It also turned a darker shade of green … more like a hunter green. There is another yellow squash planted next to her that is now FULL of buds so I don’t think it’s a soil issue. And I read somewhere that if you allow your squash to get too big it could trigger the plant to stop producing…. but when I harvested, it was only slightly bigger than my hand. What could have happened?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 15, 2017

This could be too much nitrogen. Excess nitrogen causes lush green plants and no flowers.

Try giving a boost of phosphorous with Bone Meal.


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