Q.Sumac bushes/trees
I live in SE Oklahoma and Sumac bushes are overly abundant. They are very pretty, and I am wondering if they are poisonous; either to dogs/cats or humans?
The ASPCA maintains a database of poisonous plants. Here is the link: https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/toxic-and-non-toxic-plants
There are several varieties of sumac with "poison sumac", Toxicodendron vernix, capable of causing poison ivy-type rash. However, it is not known to inhabit Oklahoma and is only found where it is very wet, like a swamp. Check with your vet about dogs/cats. The following website has pictures of the other, more common, sumacs, staghorn and winged. Knowing which variety you have will help answer your question. http://www.poison-ivy.org/poison-sumac