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Sugar Snap Peas

Q.Sugar Snap Peas

Zone Zone 7A | kocurejd added on May 26, 2015 | Answered

We live in Middle Tennessee (Zone 7a). We planted our sugar snap peas about 7 weeks ago (first weekend of April). The vines have been growing like crazy, but we don’t have any flower blooms or pods yet. It seems like there should have been flowers by now. Is this normal?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 26, 2015

Temperatures and the seed variety are important determinations on how long it will take for your plants to grow, bloom and produce pea pods.
Check the back of the seed packet you planted. It has all the information about your particular seed you planted.
Patience! If the plants are appearing healthy you should be well on your way to some delicious meals soon.
Here is some links with more information.



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