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Wisteria Vines

Q.Sudden Death of Wisteria

Anonymous added on June 2, 2011 | Answered

A white wisteria transplanted to this garden 4 years ago flourished but did not flower last year. This year it budded but has not developed further, and many of the stems and all the buds are dead. There was a severe frost at the beginning of May and I thought this could be the problem, but the damage now looks more permanent. Do I prune back or cut the poor thing right down?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 2, 2011

I would cut it back to where the stems are still alive. This article will help you figure out where that is: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/environmental/how-to-tell-if-a-plant-is-dead-and-how-to-recover-an-almost-dead-plant.htm

How was the pattern of die back? Did the plant yellow, simply wilt or something else? Is it new growth or old and new? This will help us figure out what is causing this problem.

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