Q.Suckers on Climbing Roses
I am not sure if I have suckers or not. From what I have read, suckers grow up from the root base. I have new shoots that come out from the stems all over the climbing rose. But they do seem to be wider and harder than the rest of the rose and the new little leaves are a purplish red. Can you please help me? I do not want my rose to suffer any damage. Thank you.
Sounds like a good and super healthy climber to me! She is sending out more cane shoots to spread out more and truly fill up her space. The only problem with such a rose is that she will need to be pruned back a bit so as not to overtake the area she is allowed. If you do not have any allowed room issues, then enjoy! Article link: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/roses/pruning-climbing-roses.htm