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Celandine Plants

Q.Stylophorum dyphillum/Celandine

Zone Maryland | Anonymous added on August 4, 2016 | Answered

I have plenty of Celandine plants in my garden. They bloom from May to September ?. However, because we have had to take down several trees, they are getting too much sun now and getting brown. Nonetheless, they keep growing new fresh stems/leaves under the “sunburnt” ones.

1) when is a good time to move them in shadier location?
2) most importantly: can I trim off the sunburnt parts or is this going to exhaust the plant or otherwise compromise next year’s blooms?

Answers and advice most appreciated:)

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 5, 2016

Yes, you can trim away any dead material. You can move them really any time, but I would wait till a cooler period in the weather. Then make sure they receive water after transplanting.


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