Q.strawberry plants
We have a new patch this year. It’s doing well with some berries, they seem to be a little sour but they are okay. Last night we noticed some holes in the leaves, not sure what to do, bugs? Good soil, it’s mixed right. I would like to solve the hole problem before it gets worse.
Thanks for your time, Dennis
Holes in the leaves indicate some kind of creature eating them. Holes that appear first as spots - whitish, yellowish, tan, or brown - indicate some kind of disease.
So if these holes appeared suddenly and we think they're from bugs, the only way to be exactly sure is to catch some of them and have them identified. But one possibility is flea beetles: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/what-are-flea-beetles.htm
BTW, here's another article you might find interesting: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/strawberry/sweet-strawberries.htm