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Strawberry Plants


Zone zone 7, arkansas | fscudd added on April 25, 2015 | Answered

My plants have gobs of berries but they are tough looking and are mostly seeds with many berries merged together like 6 or 8 grew together. They are second year plants that bear as long as it is warm. Most of them don’t have runners; the plants are just growing in clusters.

My June plants are looking good but the berries are doing the same as the ever-bearing. They are very seedy looking. I might say again that the ever-bearing have berries in gobs all over them. You can reach down and pull off 10 to 15 berries at a time all around the plant.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 27, 2015

Your seedy and miss shaped fruit could be cause by lack of pollination. A cool spring can make it difficult for the bees to pollinate.
Another possible cause would be flower thrip which would cause a seedy appearance.
Inspect your plants for sign of thrips.

Here are a few links for you that will provide more information.





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