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Geranium Plants

Q.Storing potted geraniums in dark basement

Zone Aledo, Illinois 61231 zone 5 | Anonymous added on October 15, 2017 | Answered

Are there any special instructions for storing potted geraniums in the dark dry basement for winter? I have never done this. I have usually taken these same geraniums and placed them in my well lighted kitchen and they just flourished but this year didn’t want the mess. I have pruned them and cleaned them. Will they store in a dark, dry basement for winter? Never tried this before. They are very healthy plants. I have 5 this year I want to store. Please email sesp@vhtmail.net

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 16, 2017

If you don't plan to provide light to your geraniums, the best way to store them is to actually remove the plant from the pot and shake the soil off the roots, then store them hanging or in paper bags in your basement. Follow the instructions for dormancy in this article:

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