Q.storing elephant ear tubers
I forgot to wait until frost to remove my elephant ears from their pots.
I cut back the foliage and left the bulbs to dry. Now I read that I should
have waited until first frost.
What should I do now with these bulbs? It’s mid-september here in zone 6 or 6b,
suburban Philadelphia

I think your tubers will be OK. The tricky part is keeping them from sending up new shoots between now and colder weather. Keep them out of warm spaces. Once cold weather is here for good, store them in an unheated garage or in a dry, cool basement. Another option is to replant one of them and have an indoor houseplant for winter. Two links are attached. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/elephant-ear/storing-elephant-ear-bulbs.htm