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Birch Trees

Q.Storage Shed to Build near Very Mature Paper Birch Tree

Zone Petawawa, Ontario, Canada K8H3E3 | Anonymous added on July 15, 2017 | Answered

I want to build a storage shed with a 4 inch thick re-enforced cement floor near a very Mature paper Birch tree. Yes, I do see a near surface tree root. It is about 2 inches in diameter. I was thinking of making sure the soil is built up and packed down and then have the cement poured over this. Is this ok?

If so, how close to the base of the Birch trunk can I get? I’ve read a lot that this is not a good idea near young birch trees. Our tree is very mature – maybe 40 years or very likely older than that.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 16, 2017

Tree roots and concrete are just never a good match! Roots will win in nearly every case and your expensive concrete will not.
It's best to either move the shed or move the tree. In most cases a new tree is much cheaper then the concrete.


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