Q.Sticky Hibiscus Leaves
It has sticky leaves with tiny white bugs on the leaves. It’s been in my living room all winter and has bloomed profusely. Now after one week, the bugs and sticky leaves are appearing. It’s loaded with flower buds and I don’t want to lose it. I’ve had it for over one year and it has never stopped blooming, and I’ve had it out all summer and in all winter and it still blooms great. I live in Michigan and I just put it on the patio because I don’t want to infect my fern.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
From @Purpleblobrules - Whitefly- mix 1tsp stergene with 500ml water and spray drench often- til they're gone -good luck
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It has scale. This article will help: