Q.steel raised veggie beds
The person helping me landscape my backyard suggested galvanized steel tanks (like watering troughs but circular) to use for raised vegetable beds. Are there drawbacks with using this method? How deep should the tank be? Does it need holes in the bottom for drainage?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I have seen this done and it does work well. The depth should be at least 2-3 feet, deeper if you can, but this should be enough. If you can put in drainage holes, this is best, but if not, people often put a layer of stone about 6-12 inches deep on the bottom to act as a water reservoir to collect the extra water. If you do this though, I would recommend adding the depth of the stones to the overall depth of the bed - so 6 inches of stones means you would want and overall depth of 2.5-3.5 feet.