Q.Starting seeds
I am really new to gardening. I love to plant annuals in my little garden by my town home. This year I thought I would grow them from seed. I started them inside in January with a seed starter kit. Only the Marigolds emerged. I checked with a local expert who suggested using a grow light and temperature pad. I got a nice led light and still only 3 more pansy plants. I asked around and determined that I used the Miracle grow potting soil, which had twigs and sticks. I restarted the whole thing in March with new starter mix and got 10 plants, mostly marigolds. I tried once again in the end of May with new seeds and I am still only growing Marigolds. I planted 2 60 pods with Petunias, Pansy, Columbine, Zinnia, Marigolds, and Poppy’s. I water with a spray bottle from the top to keep them moist, and the pods sit in about 1/4 – 1/2 inch of water to feed from the bottom (per my seed starter kit). What am I doing wrong? There has to be something I am missing.
Kurt,(Mr. Marigold)

Sometimes we learn a new task from failures! Do not become frustrated, because even seasoned gardeners have issues with seed starting!
Start simple, may pick just a couple of seed types.
These links will help you get started!