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Garden Design

Q.Starting a Garden Space

Anonymous added on May 22, 2012 | Answered

I have a swimming pool in my backyard. I want to drain it and create a garden space – it’s the only spot on my property that has full sun. I would like to know the preparation requirements. It is 3′ deep in the shallow end. The deep end is 6′ but I would like to have a ‘pond’ on that end. Maybe it should be the other way around? I need to know things like soil depth required, do I keep the liner in or take it out? Things like rock sizes, etc. This will be an organic garden.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 22, 2012

If you are planning on not growing shrubs and trees, the 3' end should be fine, but if you will be planting trees and shrubs, then I would use the 6' end for the garden.

If you can remove the liner, that would be best to allow for drainage. But if you cannot, drainage will be your biggest problem. I would lay down at least 1' of large gravel on the bottom to act as a drainage catch. This will help the soil on top remain unswampy.

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