Q.Star jasmine flower buds brown
I have a star jasmine houseplant in a pot which I received in February. I have been misting it daily, watering it once a week, and have fertilized it once since I received it.
There are a lot of new stems and shoots. Leaves are all green. But the majority of the new flower buds are either all brown or browning. Please see pictures attached.
My suspicion is that I’ve either overwatered the plant or overfertilized the plant or both. Perhaps vigorous daily misting and watering once a week was too much.
The fertilizer I used is Jack’s Classic All Purpose 20-20-20 diluted to 1/2 teaspoon for half gallon of water as is recommended on the instructions for indoor plants. Perhaps I should’ve diluted it further to half the strength.
Your help/advice is much appreciated. I recently discovered your website and subscribed to your newsletter which I look forward to receiving and reading.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I do think you're right about having overwatered and/or over fertilized. Perhaps removing the brown buds and letting up on the water and fertilizer will encourage some newer, healthier buds. You may need to give it a little time to recover. Here's an article that may be helpful: