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Asiatic Lilies

Q.stalling the growth of asiatic lilies

Zone Melbourne Australia. | Challengee added on May 14, 2015 | Answered

I have some Asiatic lilies that I want to pull out of the ground and take them interstate. The quarantine laws require that there is no leaf growth. They have started to sprout green leaves, up to 150mm in length. Is there a way to force the bulbs to stop growing? I would like to take only the bulb across with me. Can I do something to slow down the growth or even reverse it to the dormant stage? I’m located in Melbourne, Australia and we have just started autumn. It’s very cold and wet here, around 12 degrees C. I have 2 months till I relocate.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 14, 2015

Here is an article that will give you some ideas on what you should do. Based on the content of this article, a drop in temperature will help return the bulbs to their dormant state and it is recommended to put them in a very cold place like the back of a refrigerator. You could try it and see what happens. Good luck.


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