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Animal Control In The Garden


Zone Salem 97304 | Anonymous added on June 22, 2022 | Answered

How do we keep squirrels from tearing up our grass They are litterly tearing up our backyard

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 29, 2022

There is not an easy answer to rid your yard of squirrels because, even if you do, more will move in to take their place. Toxins are not advisable because they don't discriminate which animals they attract, including pets. Live trapping and releasing elsewhere is often illegal, plus there is a low survival rate. Trapping and euthanizing is best left to professionals.

Squirrels quickly become accustomed to scare tactics.

Something you can do is make your yard less desirable. Remove food sources for them, including bird feeders. If you have a garden with tomatoes and other food they like, block their access.

You can try applying repellents to your lawn like predator urine or ground chili pepper. They don't like the organic fertilizer blood meal and it would add nitrogen to your lawn. Here is more info:







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Animal Control In The Garden
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